Friday, 23 January 2015

Intercorstal 2 Page 26

Page 26, which is based on the first page of Judge Dredd: America, written by John Wagner, with art by Colin MacNeil.
(image nicked from

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Sister-page to Offlife Submission

In September, I created an Intercorstal page for submission to Offlife magazine, which was kind of understandably passed on, considering it's nothing at all like the type of comic they print.

Not long after I finished that page (which because of submission guidelines had different dimensions to the Intercorstal 2 pages I'd been working on) I started this page, working from the layouts to Page 5 of Amazing Spider-man #32. I let it rest for a while, but picked it up again a few days ago and finished it off.